Cover Art

Friday, June 13, 2014

Full Moon (Sunday Sketches)

A full moon on Friday the 13th... that's gotta be giving off some magik energies. Apparently it's called the "Honey" moon and it won't be seen again for another 35 years. If you are interested in reading a blurb on it click HERE.  I found this pic in my facebook feed from a crystal place that I follow. It doesn't have quite the same impact without colour but it's still kind of cool.

btw...can anyone tell me if they can see a slide show of my art in the "at a glance" section on the upper right side of my blog. It's not showing up for me anymore but it says it's because my security blocks it. If no one can see it though, I might as well take it down. Thanks! (EDIT: I've removed it. It's been gone for a while for me and it's driving me crazy every time I sign onto my blog...thanks Tammie for the the feedback)


  1. Hi Kim,

    such a lovely and serene drawing! I really enjoy looking at it. The opposite of my bear story, eh! I left a response in the comments for you. I would have emailed it to you, but your comment does not allow me to.

    I can not see the slide show either. Wonder what happened. The last couple posts i had trouble uploading photos, not today, but last night and the time before, so blogger might have some things going on that are messing with us.

    Sweet Sunday to you.

  2. lovely peaceful picture- sets the scene really well :)

  3. Beautiful and so gentle..your moon art is magical and so serene and meditational for beautifully done! Enjoy the moon energies..they are always so magica!!

  4. What a beautiful drawing! So inspiring!

  5. Kim, this drawing is beautiful. There is such a quiet peacefulness about it that totally draws me in. I love looking at it.

  6. wow! lovely illustration ~ could be a children's book ~ Happy SS ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. love the blog header..magical illlustration

    1. I love it too Lorraine. I wish I'd created it but it's actually a wallpaper I found online.

  8. I love your drawing! The texture on the moon is fantastic and the silhouette looks fabulous against it. Blessings!

  9. Wow! I love that gigantic and beautiful moon drawing! So magical!

  10. Your full moon is beautiful. Love how you've shaded it.

  11. Cool drawing! Thanks for the visit. Happy SS.


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