Cover Art

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hope (Sunday Sketches)

"Hope" is my Mother in Law's word. It holds special meaning for her and helps give her strength. We will be celebrating her birthday on Sunday. I've drawn and decorated the letters of hope and I'm planning on taking pics of my boys holding the letters and framing them for her. I know these past few months have been hard on her and I know she will need strength in the months to come. I'm hoping that by seeing people who love her, combined with her special word, will help.


  1. What a beautiful gesture, as well lettering work for your Mother-in-law. The detailing in the letters is marvelous, and with your boys holding them in a photograph for her, they're sure to bring a smile to her face. Happy Sunday Sketches and Blessings!

  2. Kim, this is a wonderful piece of art and idea. I am sure your mother-in-law will cherish it.

  3. beautiful word Hope and a lovely job. Happy Birthday to your mother in law.

  4. So elegant in its simplicity ~ love the designs and colors ~ beautiful! ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  5. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift. Hope is a powerful word, I hope your lovely gift helps to give her strength.

  6. This is so beautiful and magical and a wonderful tribute to your m-i-l..she will love it...very inspiring art!
    Shine on! and thanks for your kind visit !
    Happy Sunday Sketches!

  7. these are so lovely, sweet and charming!
    Such a special gift and wonderful to see all the guys holding them.


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