Simple sketch today due to another busy week around here. The original was of course by the master, Picasso. Not a huge fan of all of his works but I think his simple line drawings and paintings are quite beautiful. The song Imagine, by John Lennon has been playing in my head all week (though I'm yet to actually go to YouTube and put it on) The song makes me think of this dove drawing or at least a similar one.
We've had a sad week here. This past Tuesday we found out that even with the radiation and 3 rounds of chemo, my Father-in-law's tumours have grown. Now he has basically given up and I'm not even sure he'll last to the end of the month let alone the end of summer. Also on Tuesday, my Mom got a call from the home where her partner has lived for the last 5 years (he suffers from dementia) and was told that he wasn't doing well. We went there to see him and knew we were going to lose him, which we did on Tuesday evening. Though he's been in a home for quite some time, this was still a shock because for the most part, he had always seemed healthy.
His funeral was yesterday and I didn't bring my kids. Such a hard choice. They hadn't seen him in years because he didn't remember them, but for some reason my youngest had memories of being with him. He took it quite hard when I told them, but then by the next day he had bounced back, with just a question or two, here and there. I think the idea of death was what affected him most (not that he didn't care about this person or my Mom's feelings). So my children, who have never lost anyone in their lives, will inevitably be experiencing a lot of loss in a short time this summer. My kids are very close to my father-in-law and I'm so worried about them (well mostly my youngest) stressing that everyone is leaving them.
Anyway, all of this is probably the reason Imagine and the dove have been playing around in my head. Didn't mean to do a full unload but honestly spending a little time drawing something to share for Sunday Sketches has probably been the most relaxed I've felt in days, even if it was for less than 10 minutes.