Cover Art

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Buddha (Sunday Sketches)

This guy is in the garden at the cottage where I'm staying. I absolutely love him and want one for my garden. My kids say he's the stuff nightmares are made of :(
Sort of compromise, I've drawn his face a little differently, less scary (all agreed!) I'm still going to look for one for my garden...they can just look in the other Sketchy (pun intended) wifi signal up here so I'm amazed I got this posted. Going to try and look at other Sunday Sketches while having my coffee. Happy SS everyone.


  1. well that looks like a Buddha! Nicely done.

  2. Oh what a delightful buddha sketch ~ very well done and happy looking ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Great sketch! He doesn't look nightmarish in your version of him so I am sure you will find one your kids will be okay with. You have a wonderful eye!

  4. Great sketch of the Buddha, Kim! He looks happy. I have quite a few Buddhas around my house...the Tibetan them. :)

  5. how fun that your kids find him scary
    some of the Kuan Yin's are lovely and hold a similar presence
    i love having them in the garden, though i have none at this time


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