Cover Art

Friday, July 4, 2014

Trees (Sunday Sketches)

I've been wanting to draw trees lately.  I finally finished one I started a couple months ago. Then I worked on a simple one (with the swing) with my 8 year old drawing beside me. I love how his turned out but he doesn't want me to share it.

I started a faerie picture for faerie day but I can't seem to get back to it. I don't know if trees are inspiring me because of what is going on in our lives with my father in law being so ill but for some reason, trees seem to fit the bill of what I need to be drawing.

We celebrated my father in law's 70th birthday this past weekend and it was a lovely day. He was so alert. He ate, joined in conversation and laughed a lot. I'm so glad he was able to have a birthday like that. There are days when he is feeling so unwell and despondant that we wonder if he will be with us at the end of the summer.

Anyway, maybe the trees signify life to, strength and being alive...


  1. Hi the energy....thank you for sharing your very touching story about your father in law, thinking of you all and sending you hugs and comfort !
    Your trees are magnificent! and I too feel they are a symbol and source of strength and power!

  2. such lovely and magical trees
    they overflow with grace and beauty
    they feel happy to me
    i am glad you have these trees as you go through this time with your father in law
    sending you and yours light

  3. love the tree with the swing- i want to go on it now :) x

  4. Delightful ~ love your style ~ indeed, magical ~ thanks ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Wonderful! I love your trees. I especially like the second one, it looks lyrical.

  6. such pretty, whimsical sketches! I like them.

  7. Love your pretty trees. They are so creative!

  8. Your trees look wonderful. The swirls on them are so pretty.
    Thank you for your comment on my blog. I'll definitely think about framing the 'apple' art.
    Have a great week

  9. Wonderful tree drawings and I really love the first tree drawing with the lights or maybe they are fireflies or leaves catching sunlight:)

  10. I like all your trees, especially the second one with the swing. The clean graphic lines are so soft and graceful. Blessings!


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