Cover Art

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Art and (lots of) Stuff (Sunday Sketches)

I have a spare room in my home where everyone stores a lot of stuff. Ugly, tall, brown bookshelves down one whole wall, full of books, games, knickknacks, both my kids hospital bracelets and release papers (my oldest is now 15), papers and things no one wants anymore. There is a huge desk with a corner middle part and 2 long sides, plus an extra storage section, taking up 2 other walls. The fourth wall is a closet. Then there is the floor, which is covered (and I mean walk carefully, covered) with more stuff. Baskets of old school work, toys that are now too young, Christmas wrap, bins of out of season clothes... lots of stuff.  Ironically, it's also called Mom's room. So hubby and I started talking about truly making this my room years ago. Part of me would just like to gut it but another part is always worried I'll throw out a treasure. So here I sit years later still working on art projects at a tiny little computer desk in my kitchen...very sad.

BUT...this week (March Break of course) I decided to start claiming my space. I started clearing stuff out a little bit at a time. It may take a while yet but I'm feeling positive that I will have my very own art space this year. So in the spirit of those positive feelings, I decided to create something that I could hang up on the wall when I finally get my space the way I want it. I found a pin on Pinterest by Olivia and Co. that does clip art. I absolutely love the style and decided to try it, to make my first art room sign.


  1. Beautiful 'create-sign'! Have fun !

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  2. I suspect most people have a room like that in their house. I know we did before we moved. Now we're fortunate that there is a lot of eaves storage where all that crap/treasured belongings can be stored instead! I'm glad you're reclaiming the room-it'll be great to have your own creative space. I like the create design.

  3. I love this! And good luck clearing out the room. It's hard sometimes to throw out things from your kids younger years.

  4. I love your new create sign. And good luck with the clearing out. It's a good thing to do once in a while, and make room for more stuff.

  5. Very subtle, delicate art work ~ beautiful ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  6. Important to have a space in which to create. Your sign says it all. Now go do! ;-)

  7. YAY for getting your own art space! Lovely 'create' sign!

  8. Your sign is adorable, great style!

  9. Every artist deserves a place he/she can call his/her own, so I'm glad you are taking the steps to make that a reality. The lettering in the sign that you made is fantastic, so I'm sure it will truly inspire you to continue to create in your upcoming studio. Blessings!

  10. Just wanted to drop back and say THANKS for the advice re. turmeric/curcumin for my arthritic pain. I will look into it for sure. xx

  11. Popping in from Creative Tuesdays - I love your Create sign and wish you luck in claiming your art space. I too work on a table in the kitchen. I did some clearing and tidying and rejigging of storage and it's getting to be an easier space to use and eat at, at the same time, (not literally, haha). Looking forward to seeing what else you create :o) Mo

  12. How exciting to claim your room as a place to create. I think your idea of clearing things one tiny step at a time sounds perfect. I know when I do this before I know it the task is done. Your sign is so delicate yet claims loudly what is important to you.

  13. Sweet Zen-tangle words! It's so important to have your own place to create!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Sunday Sketches!

  14. this is truly charming Kim,
    the dangles are a joy to see, a sweet touch!


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