Cover Art

Sunday, March 2, 2014


I was so excited to start this new drawing. I really think that zentangles look so cool and you can make them so colourful. I started this last week, following this YouTube tutorial. This woman is good at what she does. It's funny because the actual face, I think, is supposed to be such a minor part of the drawing with the focus on all the hair details. I'm so used to drawing portrait style that it was really hard for me to put such little effort and no shading into the facial features. I erased it so many times, then realized that no matter what I drew, it really isn't my drawing style and was never going to become what I thought it should be... so I took a deep breath and moved on.

Unfortunately, life does tend to change plans. My oldest son was in a drama festival this past week. Drama being a very accurate word. The stress levels and dramatic disorganization in our lives was through the roof. So of course, I got sick. I didn't actually realize I was getting sick until the day everything was over because honestly, who had time for that. I went to see his show and though I'm normally always freezing, I was so hot that my friend sitting with me said she could feel the heat coming off me. Should have been my first clue, but of course it wasn't until I could barely get out of bed the next day did I realize I had a fever.

So why all this rambling...well I'm not even close to done my picture but I'm just going to add what I've finished already, just to get me back on track with working on my art. I'm hoping now that I'm feeling a little better I can finish it today or tomorrow and get to use my new markers that I bought before all this started.


  1. Beautiful sketch! Feel better soon!

  2. she's so pretty i can't wait to see her finished! (I"m a new follower too!) Welcome to SS!

  3. Love your to an amazing start! Happy Sunday Sketches! Feel Better!

  4. It is quite fun that you are trying something new. It is lovely. I love the expression on her face.
    i think doodling, like zentangles is a bit like meditation, relaxing. though i have never tried zentangles.

  5. Your sketch looks beautiful although it's only the beginning of a beautiful face. Get well soon!

  6. do get better quickly and finish your lovely work

  7. I hope you feel completely better soon. I love your drawing, she's going to be beautiful!


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